Privacy Policy

Data manager

Data Manager: Campy Hungary Kft. (2051 Biatorbágy, Tó sétány 25.)

When viewing the website, the starting time of the User.1 visit, depending on the settings of the User’s computer, the data of the browser, the operating system and the IP address of the User’s computer are automatically recorded. The system automatically generates statistical data from this data. The data manager does not combine this data with other personal data, it only uses it for the preparation of website visitation statistics. To facilitate the use of the service on visitors’ computers, the so-called cookies can be pleced by Data Manager. The user will not receive a separate notification that the cookie has been placed. The cookies serve to facilitate the technical identification of Users and to oprate any personalized sevices. 

The purpose of processing the personal data provided during the reservation is to use the services of the website, to identify the User, to ensure communication between the Service Provider and the User, or ensuring the possibility of contact between the User and the visitors of the site. The purpose of handling optional data is to make this data public to other website visitors based on the User’s voluntary and decisive decision.Uploading content and commenting on content uploaded by other Users is subject to registration by the Data Manager. There are mandatory and optional personal data to be provided during registration. It is mandatory for the User to provide their name, email address, and password. Optionally, any image and other personal data of the User can be uploaded to the system: county, settlement, exact address, telephone number, fax number, and other electronic contact details. Among the optional data, the User decides which data to enter, but the service can be used without entering this data.

By completing the reservation, Users consent to the Data Manager handling their personal data. The data provided for the use of the Website is handled with the voluntary consent of the User, in the knowledge of this information. The User shall immediately notify the Data Manager if his password has become known to an unauthorized person and requests the deletion of his old password. The User can initiate the change of the password at any time on the Website.
The purpose of data management
The recording and storage of the time of the visit, the IP address, as well as the data of the browser and operating system is a feature of the operation of the system, and their management is technically essential.

CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society. in cases according to Section 14 (2) of the Act, the Data Controller uses the data for the purpose of developing its products and improving its services, as well as for contact and marketing purposes. The data provided is processed with the User’s voluntary consent.

The Data Manager does not process personal data for purposes other than those indicated, and does not transfer data to third parties. The data provided is processed with the User’s voluntary consent.

Duration of data management The User can delete the personal data provided during the reservation from the system at any time, or you can request its deletion from the Data Manager. Personal data will also be deleted if the service is terminated or if the User’s right to use the service is prohibited by the Data Manager in accordance with the Terms of Use.

Who can access the data, data processors 

The personal, non-public data provided by the Users, as well as the data automatically known due to the technical operation, can only be accessed by the employees of the Data Manager. The Data Manager does not transfer personal data to third parties. This does not apply to any mandatory data transfers required by law. Before fulfilling each official data request, the Data Manager examines for each individual data whether the legal basis for data transmission really exists, and if necessary, requests the opinion of the Data Protection Commissioner.

Entering the email address during the reservation is mandatory, but it will not appear directly on the Portal. The password is also compulsory data, but in all cases it is treated as non-public data by the Data Manager. It is not mandatory to provide all other data, but if the User provides them (or some of them), the Data Manager will treat them as public data until such data is deleted by the User.

The User’s rights related to the management of personal data

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the User’s voluntary consent. 

All Users can request information about the processing of their personal data. Upon request, the Data Controller provides written information to the data subject within 30 days about the data it handles, the purpose, legal basis, duration of data processing, the name, address (headquarters) of the Data Processor and its activities related to data processing, as well as who and for what purpose it is or was received the data. Anyone can request the information at the Data Controller’s mailing address or electronic mailing address, by entering their own mailing address.

Users can object to the processing of their personal data, and in this context they can also request the correction and deletion of their personal data at the Data Manager’s postal or electronic address. The way to delete data is for the User to request the deletion of their own data via the message system that appears under the Online customer service menu item. Data will be deleted within 48 hours of receipt of the request.

Data storage 

Personal data is stored on a web server operated by

Legal enforcement options 

If you have any questions or problems regarding the management of your personal data, please contact the Data Manager using one of the contact details found in the Imprint of the Portal. Users are informed that they can enforce their claim before a civil court, or they can also ask for the help of the Data Protection Commissioner. The detailed legal provisions regarding this and the Data Manager’s obligations can be found in Act LXIII of 1992 on the protection of personal data and the disclosure of data of public interest. Act (Avtv.), as well as CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commercial services and services related to the information society. Act 13/A. § included.


Data Manager reserves the right to change its privacy statement. This can take place especially if the range of services is expanded or if the law makes it mandatory. A change in data management must not mean that personal data is handled for a different purpose. The Data Manager will publish the relevant information on its website 15 days in advance. in cases according to Section 14 (2) of the Act, the Data Manager uses the data for the purpose of developing its products and improving its services, as well as for contact, marketing and other purposes. The parties primarily wish to resolve disagreements arising from the service contract amicably, while they submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Pest Central District Court or the Capital Court for any legal dispute – depending on jurisdiction.

Budapest, 2022. október 16.